Мария Синицкая

Maria Sinitskaya

Hello! My name is Maria Sinitskvya. I am an ex banker and a full time mother of two daughters, years 5 and 7 (featured in episode 4). For family reasons, we were living in Spain when lock down happened. My husband worked in Russia and could not come to us as the boarders where closed. For 6 weeks we could not leave our apartment. It was very shocking and scary. I had an irresistible desire to do something to help. The best thing that came to my mind to distract myself from disturbing thoughts was to create the Quarantine kids project.
I began to write to groups of mothers living abroad and offer to participate in the project. I also wrote to my friends and asked for help.
To be honest, it was very difficult to work on a project and combine it with online education and caring for two daughters. Sometimes I did not sleep at night, and at other times I could not do anything for weeks.
So the release of the last 6th episode dragged on right up to August 🙂
In any case, it seems to me that this is an important project about a historical period in the life of all children around the world – quarantine 2020. I hope this will never happen again.

Svetlana Dobrynina

Hello! My name is Svetlana Dobrynina. I was born on the Volga, but for 6 years I have been living in the vicinity of Sochi in a small house.
I have two daughters 5 and 8 years old. My husband works in construction. Shortly before the quarantine, I came to the conclusion that I like country life, closeness to nature, a gorgeous view of the mountains and the singing of birds outside the window. Therefore, the restriction in movement did not bother me much, except that my husband had to stay at home for several weeks.
It was this year, thanks to the pandemic, that I planted a vegetable garden, passed the session at the correspondence department remotely. I would have had to go to another city. And when Maria called and offered to participate in the project, she agreed with pleasure. After all, this is
also a confirmation of my theory that there will always be a case if you maintain an inner positive attitude.
I really liked Maria’s idea about the film and what it turned out. And it is no coincidence that the last episode was released at the end of the summer, in Russia everyone is waiting for a second wave, many are worried about this issue. Even if this happens, I will take care of seedlings for the garden. There will be something to do in self-isolation.


Maria Dolgova

She was born and spent most of her life in Moscow, Russia. She started school in Mongolia. Currenly she lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Linguist by education and banker by trade. In her free time she can have physosophical talks, cook a bunch of tasty food, knit socks or run a half marathon.


Hi, my name is Ksenia. I’m a qualified lawyer and translator as well as a wife and mother of 2. After the borders were closed, our older daughter was stuck in the UK where she was boarding. My husband and I with our younger had just moved to Australia from Dubai before quarantine started.
In quarantine, life in Brisbane literally stopped (not that it has ever been a city that never sleeps). That is why I gladly supported my sister in law Maria in her idea with the Quarantine Kids. We are happy if we could help other families express themselves and feel less lonely. We were together even though we were locked up in different countries
